Sustainability in Costa Rica
Sunset at Piedras Blancas
From its stunning coastline, to its verdant rainforests and superb mountains, Costa Rica’s astounding beauty has made it the most sought after vacation destination. Millions of visitors from all around the world come to this tropical paradise every year and relish in its wondrous beauty.
Model for Others
Recognized worldwide for its diverse topography and complex cultural mosaic, Costa Rica has become a model for environment friendly practices and ecotourism sustainability. Tourism revenues of the country surpass those generated by all the other local commodities. Costa Ricans are now more aware of the long-term benefits of ecotourism and the peaceful retreats of the region proffer environmental awareness and sustainable tourism.
Costa Rica values its conservation culture. The government along with the private sector has been working hard to preserve the country’s natural resources. More and more significance is being given to eco-tourism and Costa Rica has truly become an eco-paradise.
Helping Organizations
The major organizations responsible for instigating sustainable tourism along with the Government of Costa Rica are the Costa Rican Tourism Institute, Ministry of Environment and the National Chamber of Tourism. Under their umbrella the hotels and lodges in Costa Rica are assessed and evaluated for sustainability and eco-friendly policies. These are rigorously appraised on their respect for local culture, preservation of the natural resources, contribution to the economic well-being of the community and employment of the local people. The eco-friendly hotels and lodges that pass this evaluation are then granted the Certificate of Sustainable Tourism (CST).
Sustainable tourism helps protect the natural resources and regenerate it while contributing to the local community and meeting its demands. More and more ecotourists are now seeking interactive tourism with a great consciousness for the ecological and social standards. Sustainable tourism expresses the commitment of a country to sustainability and conservation.
The growth of sustainable tourism has far reaching impacts and it maintains a high level of tourist satisfaction while ensuring a meaningful experience and raising awareness. Maintaining architectural integrity with the environment and helping preserve nature, the eco-hotels in Costa Rica form a very important part of sustainable tourism.
Principal Actors
This brand of tourism allows the travelers to not only help sustain the surroundings by making a low impact on the environment but also become an active participant of the eco-practices and projects. Sustainable tourism in Costa Rica is helping conserve the ecosystem with practices and policies that are both culturally and ecologically responsible.
7 Days / 6 Nights
Starting at $978 per person
10 Days / 9 Nights
Starting at $1,440 per person