Carate Domestic Airport, South Puntarenas

Costa Rica River

The Carate Domestic Airport may not be as easy to access as other airports, but it is well worth it to take a flight into this small, remote location. You need to charter a private plane to get to the airport, but once there, you have the chance to explore the secluded village of Carate. It is located on the Osa Peninsula, which is a remote area filled with some of nature's most stunning sights.

A Striking National Park

It is also close to Corcovado National Park. This park is home to tropical flora and exotic fauna. Often referred to as the biologically intense place on earth, the park is as wild as it is beautiful. You simply cannot find anything like it anywhere else in the world. The park alone makes the trek to Carate well worth the effort.

The City That Sits Alone

Carate itself is very isolated. It is not heavily populated and not a huge tourist trap, although it is known as a tourist destination. There is little chance to worry it will get overcrowded because no more than a couple hundred people on average make the trip here each year. This makes it ideal if you want to avoid the crowds and really have a relaxing vacation where you feel like you are in the middle of nowhere. Of course, you are surrounded by the beauty of nature, so you are never completely alone.

Cozy, Comfortable Lodging

Accommodations are all located within easy distance of the airport with drop off and pick-ups set up at the airport for your convenience. So, once you land, you should have no trouble getting around to where you need to go. An interesting fact about the lodging is most run off solar power. So, not only are you in a secluded paradise but you are also having an eco-friendly getaway.

More on the Airport

You can get here from San Jose, landing in the Carate Domestic Airport, which is a delight all on its own. The airport is really nothing more than a gravel runway and small hut. A windsock hangs to keep pilots informed of wind directions. It will take an hour to get here from San Jose, but check out the sights as you fly over. You will not be disappointed.

Package Deals To Prevent Headaches

You can get an all-inclusive package with your air fare here and back included in the price, along with lodging and meals. These vacation packages make it simple to ensure everything is taken care of before you ever step foot on a plane.

Things To Do

While hiking is a huge activity for those visiting this area, do not forget about the coastline. You will definitely want to bring your bathing suit so you can lounge in the sand and get some sun or frolic in the waves of the Pacific Ocean. Remember to bring your camera, too. The wildlife here is truly stunning and something you will want to record. Take advantage of the other water activities, such as snorkeling, too while you are here. The life under the water's surface is just as exciting as what you'll see in the trees and on land.

If you want a vacation that is off the beaten path, then look no further than Carate. The Carate Domestic Airport may not be big and flashy, but it is very welcoming to the small charter planes landing from San Jose. Once you set down, you are ready to begin exploring the wonders this small village on the Osa Peninsula in Costa Rica is something that will take your breath away and stay in your mind forever.

Costa Rica Eco-Adventure Tour
12 Days / 11 Nights or 10 Days / 9 Nights
Starting at $2,352 per person
Eco Experience: A Costa Rican Adventure
11 Days / 10 Nights
Starting at $3,874 per person

Where to Stay near Carate Domestic Airport

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